China xinhuanet wrote on the 15th: It is imperative to supervise e-cigarettes with reference to cigarettes

On the 15th, China Xinhuanet wrote an article “It is imperative to supervise e-cigarettes with reference to cigarettes,”

In an interview with Xinhuanet, Liu Peifeng, Director (Director) of the Office of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration (Foreign Affairs Department), stated that amending the implementation regulations of the Tobacco Monopoly Law and supervising new tobacco products such as e-cigarettes with reference to cigarettes is to strengthen tobacco control and protect the people. The actual requirements for the health of the masses are concrete measures to strengthen the construction of the rule of law.

Liu Peifeng pointed out that in order to enhance the effectiveness of e-cigarette supervision, the National Tobacco Monopoly Administration is studying and formulating related supporting policies including: working with relevant departments to study and formulate national standards for e-cigarettes, research and formulate e-cigarette management methods, and coordinate relevant departments to study and formulate other related policies for e-cigarettes . The formulation of these supporting policies is expected to solve the outstanding problems existing in the current e-cigarette market and industry.

In an interview with Xinhuanet, Wang Zhiyong, director of the Monopoly Supervision and Administration Department of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, said that the safety hazards of e-cigarette products have been highlighted. The health of the person poses a potential threat. It is under this background that it is clear that “e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of cigarettes in this Regulation”, and the supervision of e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products shall be strengthened in accordance with the law.

Wang Yulin, Director of the Policy, Regulations and System Reform Department of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, introduced to Xinhua reporters that the products included in the scope of supervision include e-cigarette cartridges, smoking accessories, products sold in combination with cartridges and smoking accessories, and nicotine for e-cigarettes. Wang Yulin emphasized that heated cigarettes (or heat-not-burn cigarettes, low-temperature cigarettes, etc.) belong to cigarettes, which have been included in cigarette management, and are directly applicable to the tobacco monopoly law and its implementation regulations on cigarettes. According to laws and regulations, heating cigarettes have not been approved for sale within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, and no market entity may illegally operate heating cigarettes.

Xinhuanet stated that e-cigarette production management needs to be strengthened, a product traceability system must be established urgently, and monitoring and supervision will continue to be strengthened.

Wang Yulin, Director of the Policy, Regulations and System Reform Department of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, introduced to Xinhua News Agency reporters that the “Draft for Comments” clarified that e-cigarette products should comply with the national standards for e-cigarettes, as well as the relevant regulations on packaging labels and warnings, and use registered trademarks in accordance with the law. . E-cigarette advertisements are subject to the relevant regulations of tobacco advertisements. The administrative department of tobacco monopoly under the State Council supervises and manages the import and export trade of electronic cigarettes and foreign economic and technological cooperation in accordance with the law.

The “Draft for Solicitation of Comments” requires that the production and management of e-cigarettes be strengthened, and the quality and safety assurance system of e-cigarette products and the traceability system of e-cigarette products should be established. Market entities engaged in the production, wholesale, and retail of electronic cigarettes must obtain licenses issued by the tobacco monopoly administrative department accordingly. Establish a unified national electronic cigarette transaction management platform to conduct transaction management on electronic cigarette products and nicotine used in electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarette tax collection is implemented in accordance with national tax laws and regulations.

Regarding the development of national standards for e-cigarettes, Qian Hang, director of the Science and Technology Department of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, told reporters from Xinhua News Agency that in the standard formulation process, based on the protection of the health of the people, scientific safety risk assessments were carried out, and in-depth studies were carried out. Fully learn from the regulations and standards of the International Organization for Standardization, developed countries and regions, etc., and focus on strict requirements for key risk points such as e-cigarettes and materials, atomizers, additives and emissions, ensuring the scientificity, applicability and applicability of the standards. Advancement.

Xinhua News Agency stated that the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration requires that tobacco monopoly administrative departments at all levels should earnestly perform their supervisory duties, continue to increase the monitoring and supervision of the e-cigarette market, and strengthen the control of e-cigarette production, sales, import and export in accordance with the law. Supervise and urge various e-cigarette production and operation entities (including e-cigarette production, OEM processing, brand ownership, cigarette nicotine manufacturers and e-cigarette distributors, etc.) to carry out e-cigarette production and operation business in accordance with laws and regulations. Various illegal acts were investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law, effectively promoting the standardization of the e-cigarette market, and effectively safeguarding the interests of consumers. Taking into account the necessary processes for the formulation and promulgation of e-cigarette management measures and e-cigarette national standards, as well as the current status of the e-cigarette industry, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of e-cigarette production and operation entities, and to better implement relevant regulatory requirements, Before the national standards for electronic cigarettes are officially promulgated and implemented, a certain transition period is set.

Liu Peifeng, Director (Director) of the Office (Foreign Affairs Department) of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, stated that in order to standardize the market order of the e-cigarette industry, the e-cigarette industry will be smoothly brought into the legal and standardized track, and the new implementation regulations of the Tobacco Monopoly Law will be revised and research and development are under way. Related supporting policies and other requirements. At this stage, investors of all types are not allowed to invest in new e-cigarette production and operation enterprises; existing e-cigarette production and operation entities are temporarily not allowed to build or expand production capacity, and temporarily cannot establish new e-cigarette retail outlets and retail outlets. Launch new products and suspend imports of new e-cigarettes. After the end of the transition period, only electronic cigarette production and operation entities that have obtained access permits and whose products comply with national standards can carry out investment, construction, and production and operation activities. Those who have not obtained access permits, products that do not meet national standards and have not passed registration, etc., are not allowed to engage in e-cigarette-related businesses, otherwise they will be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law.