Many new products of firearm ammo vape appeared at the Birmingham Electronic Cigarette Exhibition, UK

From May 27th to 29th, 2022, the highly anticipated UK Birmingham Electronic Cigarette Exhibition was grandly opened in the UK. As a large-scale and influential e-cigarette exhibition in the UK, it has attracted more than 300 e-cigarette suppliers and brands from around the world. The exhibition is stunning.

Official data shows that the UK Birmingham Electronic Cigarette Exhibition is a large-scale and influential electronic cigarette exhibition in the UK, and it is also an important exhibition recognized by the industry to knock on the door of the UK electronic cigarette market.

As a country that has incorporated e-cigarettes into the medical system in the world, the e-cigarette market in the UK has maintained a rapid growth trend since 2015. The “2021 World Tobacco Development Report” shows that the sales of the British e-cigarette market in 2021 will be US$3.45 billion, a year-on-year increase of 16.9%. Among them, the sales and proportion of closed e-cigarettes are still rising. Undoubtedly, the British market has become the overseas target of most Chinese e-cigarette brands in the European market.

At this exhibition, a number of one-off new products from firearms ammo debuted, bringing a “good taste + cost-effective” atomization carnival to overseas customers, attracting on-site exhibitors to stop and watch the experience.

It is understood that according to the market conditions and consumer habits of different overseas regions, Firearm has newly developed new disposable electronic cigarette products such as ammo Highlighter, ammo Beetle, ammo Can, ammo Chalk, ammo Marker, including entry-level disposable, basic disposable, Lung suction disposable and other categories. According to reports, the current overseas product matrix of firearms can meet the consumer needs of different markets and different groups of people.

Judging from the feedback from dealers and exhibitors at the exhibition site, the dual features of “good taste + cost-effectiveness” of ammo’s disposable products have been well received. Among them, the ammo Lung single-use electronic cigarette ammo Highlighter has attracted the attention and experience of many professional electronic cigarette players because of its “high cost performance, large capacity, rich taste, and strong throat hit”.

The ammo Beetle and ammo Can series are the main products at the Firearms UK exhibition. The unique design of the products and the advantages of the firearms team’s fragrance make them highly praised at this exhibition. The ammo Beetle is named because it looks very similar to a beetle. In addition to the large number of mouths and large capacity, the fine grip and the rich throat hitting experience are also the highlights of the product that are sought after by users.

“Multi-brand operation + full product matrix” has always been the “killer” for firearm electronic cigarettes to develop the market. Whether it is a novice user or a professional user, they can find a suitable product at the firearms booth. This advantage is also due to the whole industry chain layout and matrix operation strategy of firearms, which helps firearms products to cover more overseas. Lots of people and markets.

As the first electronic cigarette brand of China Bolton Group (HK.03318), the first listed company in China’s flavor and fragrance industry, since its establishment, Firearms has accurately integrated the advantageous resources of the industry’s supply chain and has become a well-known company in the industry integrating production, research and development, and sales. An integrated whole industry chain atomization brand. Relying on perfect supply chain advantages, multi-brand and product matrix operation strategy, Firearms has won honorary titles such as “Top Ten Influential Brands in Channels in 2020” and “Popular Electronic Cigarette Brands in 2021”.

According to the “2021 World Tobacco Development Report”, in 2021, excluding mainland China, the world sales of e-cigarette products will be 21.3 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 12.1%. Among them, the sales of closed electronic cigarettes were US$13.52 billion, a year-on-year increase of 13.9%, the sales of open electronic cigarettes were US$7.78 billion, a year-on-year increase of 9.1%, and the sales of liquid e-cigarettes for filling open electronic cigarettes were US$5.56 billion. A year-on-year increase of 10%.

From the perspective of Firearms, the global e-cigarette market is growing steadily, but there are obvious consumption differences and cultural differences. Only by “accommodating local conditions” can the problem of “acclimatization” be solved.

With the acceleration of the global e-cigarette compliance process, the efficient allocation of resources and the orderly development of the industry, technology research and development has become the key to the brand’s breakthrough. Beginning in 2020, Firearms launched its brand overseas plan. In the past two years, Firearms has strengthened its research and development efforts, developed product lines for the world’s major electronic cigarette markets, expanded its brand coverage with product differentiation and cost-effective advantages, and accelerated the layout of the overseas electronic cigarette market.

In the second quarter of 2022, Firearms Electronic Cigarettes launched an overseas tour plan. It is understood that a number of new products of Firearms will be unveiled at the Spanish Electronic Cigarette Exhibition on June 4 and the Dubai Electronic Cigarette Exhibition in the United Arab Emirates on June 16.