China Tobacco: E-cigarette retailers are not allowed to publish e-cigarette advertisements

On June 19, the official website of the China Tobacco Monopoly Administration issued a document to continue to promote the legalization and standardization of the development of the e-cigarette industry in an orderly manner. The following is the full text:

China Tobacco Monopoly Administration continues to advance in an orderly manner,E-cigarette industry development legalization and standardization

Recently, the China Tobacco Monopoly Administration has issued a number of tobacco monopoly production enterprise licenses for electronic cigarette-related production enterprises in an orderly manner, and changed a number of electronic cigarette wholesale enterprise tobacco monopoly wholesale enterprise licenses. The administrative departments of tobacco monopoly at all levels are lawful and orderly. A batch of tobacco monopoly retail licenses for the main players in the e-cigarette retail market have been issued; a batch of e-cigarette products that meet the national standards of “E-Cigarette” have successively passed the technical review; on June 15, 2022, the national unified e-cigarette transaction management platform (hereinafter referred to as the “trading platform”) is officially launched. As of now, most of the certified electronic cigarette-related manufacturers, electronic cigarette wholesalers, and electronic cigarette retail entities have completed membership registration on the trading platform… Electronic cigarette administrative licensing, technology The review and operation of the trading platform are progressing in an orderly manner. The China Tobacco Monopoly Administration will continue to implement the “Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on the Implementation of the Tobacco Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Measures for the Administration of Electronic Cigarettes” and the national standards for “Electronic Cigarettes” and related supporting policies, and promote electronic cigarettes around the following key tasks Legalization and standardization of industrial development.

1. About technical review. In accordance with the “Implementation Rules for Technical Review of Electronic Cigarette Products” and “Instructions for Technical Review of Electronic Cigarette Products”, all provincial tobacco monopoly administrative departments continue to guide electronic cigarette manufacturers to do a good job of “three synchronizations” in a timely manner. The product technical review agency continues to guide service e-cigarette manufacturers to carry out product technical review material review, product testing, and product review work simultaneously, and provide samples of tobacco flavors that meet the national standards of “Electronic Cigarettes” as a reference. Guide enterprises to speed up product transformation and provide first-line guidance services. Electronic cigarette manufacturers should submit the corresponding technical review application materials, submit physical samples for inspection and review, and do a good job in supplementing and correcting related materials and products within the specified time in accordance with the “three synchronizations” requirements of technical review.

2. Regarding administrative licensing. In accordance with the “Guiding Opinions on Issuing Licenses for Tobacco Monopoly Production Enterprises for Electronic Cigarette-related Manufacturing Enterprises”, “Guiding Opinions on the Layout of Electronic Cigarette Wholesale Enterprises”, “Guiding Opinions on the Layout and License Management of Electronic Cigarette Retail Points” and other regulations, The China Tobacco Monopoly Administration will continue to coordinate the scheduling of e-cigarette-related production enterprises that submit applications for production licenses, and the provincial tobacco monopoly administrative departments will continue to inform them in a timely manner and provide specific guidance to e-cigarette-related production enterprises to prepare materials for administrative licensing. , provide policy consulting services, reasonably arrange on-site verification work, and promptly notify eligible enterprises to submit formal applications for production licenses. At the same time, continue to provide services for the issuance of tobacco monopoly retail licenses for e-cigarette retail entities.

3. About the national standard of “electronic cigarette”. Banning the sale of flavored e-cigarettes is one of the important measures to protect minors from e-cigarettes. The national standard of “E-Cigarette” clearly stipulates that e-cigarette products should not induce minors, and should not make the product’s characteristic flavor appear in addition to Other flavors than tobacco. In this regard, all sectors of society pay high attention to and generally support it. The national standard for “E-Cigarette” was officially released on April 8, 2022, and will be officially implemented on October 1, 2022, giving e-cigarette manufacturers a sufficient transition period. Electronic cigarette manufacturers should strictly implement the national standards of “E-cigarettes”, carry out product compliance design and complete product transformation as soon as possible. After the transition period, products that have not passed the technical review shall not be marketed in China.

4. About the trading platform. At present, the trading platform has been officially launched. In accordance with the “Detailed Rules for the Management of Electronic Cigarette Transactions (Trial)” and other regulations, all types of e-cigarette market entities that have been or will be certified should register their members on the trading platform one after another once they are certified. The transaction and export filing of nicotine raw materials, nicotine for e-cigarettes, and atomizers of e-cigarette-related manufacturers that have been or will be certified, and the export filing of e-cigarette products should be gradually carried out on the trading platform. Electronic cigarette manufacturers whose products have passed or are about to pass the technical review have made relevant preparations, and will gradually trade on the trading platform after they meet the conditions. The specific time will be notified separately. Tobacco monopoly administrative departments at all levels enhance their service awareness, and continue to guide local certified e-cigarette market entities to take the initiative to complete membership registration on the trading platform and do a good job in related work.

5. Regarding market supervision. Tobacco monopoly administrative departments at all levels will continue to strengthen market supervision in accordance with the law, and focus on urging e-cigarette retail entities to implement regulatory requirements such as ID verification and e-cigarette advertising removal, to further find out the market status of e-cigarettes, and to grasp the market price of e-cigarette products, Inventory, sales and other operating information. Electronic cigarette retailers should strictly follow the requirements of electronic cigarette supervision policies, not to sell electronic cigarettes to minors, not to publish electronic cigarette advertisements, to implement warning signs, and not to engage in exclusive business activities.