UK Statistics Office: The number of e-cigarette users hit a record high, and the rate of cigarette use fell below 14% for the first time

Recently, according to data released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the number of e-cigarette smokers in the UK has risen to the highest level ever, while the number of British adults using cigarettes has fallen below 14% for the first time.

The UK National Bureau of Statistics released its annual report on the prevalence of smoking in the UK, which includes data on the number of adults who smoke e-cigarettes.

In 2014, when data on the number of e-cigarette users in the UK was collected, 3.7% of the population reported using e-cigarettes. By 2020, this proportion has risen to 6.4%, which is equivalent to about 3.3 million people.

The report also shows that the current number of adult smokers in the UK accounts for 13.8% of the total population, which is the lowest percentage since at least 2015.

However, according to monthly data from the National Bureau of Statistics, during the COVID-19 pandemic and the national lockdown, the smoking rate rose sharply, reaching a peak of 16.3% in August, and then slowly falling to 13.8% at the end of 2020.

UK electronic cigarette industry association Director-General John Donne analysts believe that although the rise in smoking rates during the blockade could be attributed to anxiety crown new pandemic caused by the increase, but I would also point out the fact that the electronic cigarette monopoly shop has not been granted basic retail This is an important factor.

John Dunn continued: This is a very welcome announcement, because all those who support harm reduction have to be aware of the risks of electronic cigarettes than the cigarette is much smaller – the former health data protection supervisory authority in accordance with the UK Office of Public Health, Up to 95%-so more people smoke e-cigarettes and reduce smoking can only be a cause for celebration.

The National Bureau of Statistics report on smoking prevalence emphasizes that the number of former smokers using e-cigarettes has risen from 11.7% in 2019 to 12.3%, while the number of smokers using e-cigarettes at the same time-thus reducing their exposure to combustible tobacco The harm caused-from 15.5% in 2019 to 17.8% in 2020.

John Dunn said: What these figures tell me is that powerful anti-e-cigarette lobbying groups try to discredit the effectiveness of e-cigarettes in helping people quit smoking, but they simply don’t work.

On the other hand, e-cigarette advocates have scientific and political will, and more and more health care departments support more use of e-cigarettes to help smokers completely quit their habit. This momentum has finally eliminated nonsense and misinformation about e-cigarettes, giving consumers the confidence to take key steps to transition from cigarettes to e-cigarettes.