Can Alibaba International Station sell electronic cigarettes?

On April 1, 2022, Alibaba International Station issued an announcement announcing that the sale of electronic cigarettes will be banned after 5.1. The scope of prohibition includes but is not limited to pods, vaping devices, and products sold in combination with pods and vaping devices) and their accessories, atomizers, and nicotine for electronic cigarettes and other related products. The following is the content of the announcement:

Dear members of Alibaba International Station:

In order to further strengthen the supervision of new tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes, regulate the market order, better comply with relevant domestic and foreign laws and regulations, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of Alibaba International Station, in accordance with the “Tobacco Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China” and “People’s Republic of China The Law on the Protection of Minors, the Regulation on the Implementation of the Tobacco Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China, and the Measures for the Administration of Electronic Cigarettes announced by the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration on March 11, 2022, will be banned on Alibaba International Station from May 1, 2022. Sales of electronic cigarettes (including but not limited to pods, cigarette sets and products sold in combination with pods and cigarette sets) and their accessories (including but not limited to electronic cigarette-related atomizers, cigarette rods, cigarette pens, cigarette holders, batteries for electronic cigarettes, e-cigarette liquid fillers, e-cigarette packaging and other e-cigarette related products), atomizers and nicotine for e-cigarettes and other related products.

For the content of the announcement, please refer to the “Announcement on the Closure of the Electronic Cigarette Category of Alibaba International Station”

Also close the following secondary categories:

Consumer Electronics>Electronic Cigarettes

The specific time rhythm is as follows:

.2022.4.1 Announcement (the original ban and sales restrictions will continue to be governed)

From 2022.5.1, the centralized management of stock products will start, and no points will be deducted when the products are removed from the shelves during this period.

Consumer Electronics>Electronic Cigarettes secondary category will be closed from 2022.5.9

From May 18, 2022, commodity management and control will be carried out according to illegal tobacco, and the illegal products will be removed from the shelves and 6 points will be deducted for each violation.